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Advanced dental technology has made quick and efficient dental visits possible. However, even with modern dentistry practices, you may still feel anxious or nervous when sitting in the dental chair. If you’re among those who fear dental treatments or have a concern about what you may feel during your appointment, oral sedation can help you feel more comfortable and less stressed at the dentist.

Benefits of Oral Sedation

  • Reduced Dental Anxiety
  • More Efficient Dental Treatment
  • Minimal Side Effects
  • Ease of Administration

What to Expect with Oral Sedation

Oral sedation involves a pill that you take before your appointment. This form of sedation won’t put you to sleep, but it will relax you and may make you feel drowsy — which is why we recommend having a trusted individual drive you to and from the appointment.

If you’re scheduled for dental treatment and would like to receive oral sedation, we’ll first determine whether or not you’re a good candidate. A good candidate for oral sedation will typically have a good medical history and blood pressure.

After determining whether or not you and your treatment qualify for oral sedation, we’ll prescribe the medication and direct you on when and how to take it. Shortly after the pill is taken, you’ll become relaxed and calm but stay conscious enough to communicate with our team.

We’ll make sure you receive all the information you need for pre and post-care before opting for oral sedation!

Oral Sedation Dentistry in North Carolina

At Vista, we offer oral conscious sedation for patients who need some help getting through treatments. Our team is happy to help find ways for patients to feel calm and relaxed. If you’re curious to see if sedation dentistry is right for you, please contact us!